We had a small fire alarm incident on Friday in our building.
We were in the midst of class on Friday. Around 11am just before class was to end, the fire alarm in the building went off. It was an interesting experience, considering that I've never experienced something like this before here.
In order to be compliant with accessibility regulations, the alarm system is supposed to be valid for people who are visually or aurally challenged. This meant that there was a loud warning buzzer, along with a strobe light that flashes about once every 5 seconds. This is accompanied by a automatic voice that tells you that the fire alarm has been activated, so please exit the building while this is being investigated.
There was no panic or confusion as people very calmly exited the building and went to wait outside as the physical plant staff arrived to investigate the situation. There was a joke making the rounds that someone was probably interested in getting out of a test or something.
Anyway, it turned out that someone in the basement was moving something on a cart when the cart bumped into the fire alarm switch, setting off the fire alarm.
So much for all the confusion.