Thursday, April 19, 2007

Instant Messenger Worm

I almost got infected by a Instant Messenger Worm today.

This evening I signed into Yahoo Messenger.
A few moments later, a good friend of mine logged in and sent me this seemingly harmless link, but before I could respond/click, this person logged out !

In and out in less than 30 seconds ? That's not like them...

I felt odd... so, I looked at the message/link carefully.

The accompanying message told me that it would lead to screenshots of a popular operating system. This message seemed ok to me as this friend of mine knows that I like computers :)

Looking at the link.. something did not feel right. Remembering the set of IM worms that have been around, I decided to try to search the web for some information. But what do I search for ?
The message text was too generic.. so, I decided to Google the name of the site that apparently the link pointed to...

and was I lucky...

This was an attempted infection by WORM_SOHANAD.AL.

A Win32 "Memory Resident Worm" , this worm attacks and propagates through Instant Messenging applications - specifically Yahoo Messenger and Windows Live Messenger/ Windows Messenger.

The said message contains a link to a remote copy of itself. When the recipient clicks the link, the copy is executed on the recipient's system.

The message it sends out has the following details:

-------Message: (any of the following)------------from

• :D who is beside you in this pic http://{BLOCKED} so good-looking hot pics this week :x
• ;) 1 of my vacation pictures http://{BLOCKED} <:-P
• ;) 1 of my vacation pictures http://{BLOCKED} <:-P
• Screenshot of new windows version _ Windows Vista http://{BLOCKED} so cool :D
• Images shot in Iraq _ The war will never end http://{BLOCKED} << :( • oh my god , i've won a 20000 usd lottery :O http://{BLOCKED} <<
• never click into the links like something in this image http://{BLOCKED} #:-S !!!
• :( the page cannot be displayed http://{BLOCKED} Something was wrong !!!
• :( the page cannot be displayed http://{BLOCKED} Something was wrong !!! Check it again and tell me later. THanks
• Do you realize who is in this image: http://{BLOCKED} . Just think for a moment and tell me soon ;))

---------end messages-------------

This worm also replaces the status of the affected user with any of the abovementioned messages. For more indepth look at this worm, visit

So that explained it. Looks my friend's got this worm on their machine :(
I've sent them an email informing them of this.

Hope they fix it.
Luckily I escaped.
Moral of all this : "read before you click".

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