Thursday, February 12, 2009

Classic TV Ads

I went Youtube surfing a while ago and found a bunch of old TV ads/spots that used to be played over the air many many years ago. Its been atleast on the order of 8-10 years since I've seen any of these aired. These were classics in their content and evoke memories of days gone by.

Spread The Light of Freedom

This was a television spot that was created by the Lok Seva Sanchar Parishad many years ago. It was a part of 2-3 series that were aimed at spreading the message of National Harmony and Integration. This one is my favorite amogst the lot. It features famous atheletes of the time carrying a flaming torch across the country.
(2:37 in duration, completely instrumental)

Note: Doordarshan is the Indian state run TV broadcaster. The music clip starting at 2:16 to the end is the closing verses of the Indian National Anthem.


A manufacturer of vehicles in India, came out with this ad in 1989. Classic for its content. I seem to remember this playing every weekend morning before some of my favorite cartoons.

(40 seconds long, Hindi words)


(Note: Doodh = Milk in Hindi) The ad is promoting milk consumption. -This ad that took me by surprise. Without having seen the ad for atleast 8 years in a stretch, the first time I viewed it on Youtube, I found that I could sing the words of the jingle flawlessly without stumbing or hesitating even a bit for the words.. Talk about information retrieval! I was impressed by my own ability to be able to recall this so well.

(32 seconds long, combination of Hindi and English content)

I'll post more of these if I come across more interesting ones.

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