Friday, July 03, 2009

Tweet from the Windows Command Line

I cobbled together two tiny scripts in about ~30 minutes - that allows me to post tweets to Twitter from the Windows XP command line.

My requirements for the setup were:
a) I should not have to install yet-another-piece of software just to post to twitter. (There are tons of them for download on almost every possible platform)
b) I'd like to be able to tweet from the command line.
c) I want to know what's happening in the code.
d) Since I have perl installed, if I could use it, even better.

So I went to CPAN and looked for Twitter related stuff. Found a lot of packages. I ended up using the Net::Twitter::Lite package in a perl script.

This caused one small issue, running the perl script required that I type in perl scriptname "message" to post to twitter. If I could compress it to just AppName "Message" that would be perfect.

To fix this, I used a Windows Batch file (.bat) to encapsulate the script and pass it the message.

If you want use it, you need two files, ( and tweet.bat), let me know if you want to look at the source.

1 comment:

Roylan said...

Sounds like what I'm looking for. Do I have to have special software.
Are the scripts available for download? Thx.