Sunday, September 04, 2011

Cherry cobbler

How to make Cherry Cobbler:

This is amongst the fastest desserts I've ever seen made. Recipe by the Awesome Kym.

You will need:

a) A can of cherries (the type you use for making pie filling, NOT maraschino cherries) (ask me how I know)
b) A box of Yellow cake mix.
d) A stick of butter.
c) A baking pan/dish - (9x11 or 8x8 are the ideal sizes, but for this dish, size of the dish doesn't matter. It all depends on how much of the dish you want and how thick you want it).

Make it:
a.1) Wash the pan/dish. (duh!)
a.2) Start preheating the oven to 375F 350F. (Updated based on feedback from the Awesome Kym)

b) Dump in the entire can of cherries.
c) Cover the cherries with the cake mix - (we made it about an inch thick)
d) Now cut up the butter into small strips (about an inch long by 1/8th of an inch wide) and place it all over the cake mix - Basically cover the cake mix with strips of butter.

e.1) Place this into the oven and let it sit for 30 minutes.
e.2) " the cherries are precooked, so you just want it hot and the butter to melt nicely into the powder"[1]

f) When done, take it out, let it cool, then eat!

g) There is no step (g).


awesome kym said...

yo dawg. its 350, not 375

Suneil said...
