Sunday, February 11, 2007

"Microsoft Firefox 2007 Professional"

Here's something I never thought I would see...
A customized version of Firefox from (who ???)

Take a look at the site :

Now featuring (information from the site)
Secure my Kernel with TakeOver™
To help protect the Windows kernel being affected by unsafe code executions, Microsoft Firefox automatically notifies you of any programs that may put your computer at risk, and will take the necessary restarting/shutdown processes required to save Windows.

Competition Disabled Mode
To help troubleshoot difficulties launching Microsoft Firefox or reaching specific Microsoft websites, you have the ability to start in "No Competition" mode, where only system critical Microsoft sites can be accessed.
AKobe Phlash™ Multimedia Kit
This multimedia deployment package works in conjunction with the native Phlash™ Plugin that comes bundled with Microsoft Firefox 2007. Delivering, viewing and downloading customized interactive multimedia content has never been so simple. Learn More (Lawsuit from Adobe Pending)

Put safety first.
A robust new Microsoft security architecture known as TakeOver™ helps to protect the Windows Kernel from malicious, damaging and viral software such as Symantec and McAfee products.
[Note: If you didn't get the all the hints, this is a Hoax, a rather elaborately planned one at that. ]

[Any and all trademarks mentioned here are property of their respective owners]
[this link was originally found on ]

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