- there are murals of farm scenes in the lecture halls
- Bats out number birds 2 to 1
- people beat the hell outta anything they don't like
- members of the corps yell at trees
- the president of the university is the U.S. Secretary of Defense
- luck can be bought in the form of pennies
- anything done twice is considered a tradition
- the band can beat up any other college bands.... and possibly their
football team
- a bike is a better form of transportation than a car
- walking to class and back is considered daily exercise
- cell phone service sucks on game days
- it takes only 5 people to make 85,000 sing and yell in unison
- maroon is a camouflage color
- mugged isn't a term used to describe the act of getting beat and robbed
- propane tanks and Bunsen burners are used to attract females
- you've had the best chocolate milk in the world
- people can snow ski when it is 100 degrees
- places to park on campus only exist in fairy tales
- construction crews build bridges for students... just so they won't walk
on the MSC grass
- a dog barking can mean the difference between passing or failing a class
- you can't say such words as "zipper" and "Elephant"..... unless you are
a senior
- elephants DIE at the end of the year
- cowboy hat, boots, and belt buckle = stylin
- overalls = even MORE stylin
- steam tunnels can create 2nd degree burns
- it is university policy that everyone carry protective rain gear at all
- Apaches, F-16s, and Chinooks fly overs are a part of everyday life
- swimming to class happens every once and a while
- every road has potholes or has been repaired 100000 times
- scooter cops ticket you for backing in to a parking spot
- getting a ticket by the police is inevitable
- tourists come and take pictures of Aggies "in their natural habitat"
- people try to guess the number of engines a train has as it passes by
- late night cravings for food only mean a trip to the c-store is pending
- football is life during the fall
*- the highest ranking member of the corps is a four-legged animal
*- you think cheerleaders are overrated
*- you hear the phrase "t.u." and don't think of Tulane or tennessee
*- you frequently hear/make phrases that start with "Fightin' Texas Aggie"
*- walking under a tree with someone means you're going to get married
*- guns are fired on campus first tuesday of the month
*- you've fallen asleep in just about every building with couches on campus
*- Club WCL is the place to be seen during test weeks
*- eating chick-fil-a everyday ends your plan to not gain the 'freshman 15'
*- traditions are taken seriously, such as Midnight yell, Touchdown
kisses, MSC grass.....
*- someone says Howdy in stead of Hi.
*- someone says Thanks and Gig'em.
*- you see the "pole guy" hanging on the pole on george bush drive.
*- you are hesitant to walk on grass. anywhere.
*- you wake up to the sound of construction work less than 100 yards away.
*- squirrels with collars are normal
*- the president of the university wears a t-shirt and shorts to help you
move in.
*- you sweat in early November.
*- burnt orange is banned from the visual spectrum
*- a blackout is looked upon with fondness.
*- a dozen or so students are jumping in ponds at midnight is a normal
*- 85,000 guys and girls "hump it" in public, and sometimes even on
National Television.
*- the doctors at Beutel diagnose EVERYONE as pregnant
*- hearing a very large gun go off after a touchdown doesn't bother you
*- your school song revolves around only one football game a year!
*- the winning shot of beating tu in a basketball game becomes the
highlight of the whole season, and is replayed in every Aggie Highlight
reel regarding the basketball team
- bike accidents happen more often than car accidents
- there are never enough bike racks
- the same person speaks on behalf of the "12th Man team Rewards Program"
at every home sporting event.
*- there is always free food somewhere on campus
*- 2000 guys wake up at the butt crack of dawn and go run around the world
singing songs and yelling
*- you get hissed at if you are from Austin
*- a senior boy can make a poor little freshmen girl do pushups for
however long he chooses if she pulls out
*- we pull out in public and its not what most people think it is
*- we can hump it, yell the word hell, say redass, and mug down all while
standing next to a 4 year old
*- it's almost like Christmas when the cookies are fresh
*- boots, spurs, khaki, and a goofy hat are in style when you are a senior
*- if you are in the corps. you don't have a first name
*- freshmen girls giggle and point when either reveille, a yell leader, or
stephen mcgee walks by
*- the rivalry between the north and south sides make you think there will
be another civil war
*- every other person has a picture of Kyle Field as the background on
their computer
*- the university always makes sure the dead mascots know the score of the
football game
*- freshmen beat out seniors and juniors in every major drill competition
in the country.
*- the bandsmen are always the first people awake in the fall.
*- 80,000 people interlocked in one giant hug is not considered offensive.
*- wildcats are not animals.
*- nobody, not even the opposing team, will voluntarily miss halftime.
*- you sit down in every class and notice that at least one person is
wearing the same aggie shirt as you.
*- you can make a large group of people whoop just by honking on northgate.
*- people are more proud of their Aggie Ring than they are of their
wedding ring.
*- Walking outside early in the morning and hearing the Aggie Band
constitutes a GREAT day.
*- People hiss their professors for giving pop quizzes.
*- the Chicken is not an animal
*- You can get yelled at for not taking off your hat or getting off the wood
*- you're made to do pushups for saying everyday words or numbers
*- clothes you carry logs with are never washed
*- the table is banged to end dinnertime
*- bonfire means an event that is over a month long
*- men dont build bonfire, bonfire builds men
*- bull refers to whether something is good or bad
*- You have more bars across the street from campus than bookstores and
fast food joints
*- You spend more time worrying about when you get your Aggie Ring than
when you are graduating
*- You will forever be known by ONE year for the rest of your life, no
matter how long or short that may be.
*- Everyone sings their school fight song at a dance hall every Thursday
at Midnight
*- You see the water tower and smoke stack and think "I'm home"
*- a tent sale is a big event in one's weekend
*- you have never read a newspaper till you came to A&M
*- you go to midnight yell so you can hear a good story
*- save a dollar every week just to buy a 12th man towel
*- a good addition to you car is a sticker
*- when you stadium holds more people than the population of the town its in
*- when every event, no matter how small, has an accompanying t-shirt.
*- when your reproduction of livestock professor points to a uterus in a
slide show with a fishing pole.
*- the cops drink your beer, whether or not you offer them one
*- when you have CarPool's number on speed dial.
*-When it's so windy outside that you can't even hear the person talking
on the other end of your cell phone
*- A bird aims a fresh one for the top of your head
*- if your bike has spent more than three hours on Northside, its likely
to be in a tree when you get back.
*- being redass doesn't require a paddle and sore hind-quarters
*- everyone understands waiting for the train to pass is a legitimate
excuse for being late
*- no one has any problem whatsoever when people dressed in all white are
thrown into a pond.
*- you don't graduate, you die
*- opening of dove season means only 1/4 the class will be present
*- cold weather means a switch from maroon to carhart brown
*- your wardrobe consists of maroon t-shirts.
*- you daily decide between cookies or fruit.
*- the day after Thanksgiving is as important as Thanksgiving day
*- You leave a class in medical school early to catch a flight to
Aggieland for a football game
*- Your apt/house is decorated at least 50% by maroon
*- You can spot a stranger with an aggie ring from 20 yards away
*- The time for Thanksgiving dinner revolves around the time it takes you
to get back for Yell Practice
*- Everyone's right hand is permently stuck in the Gig'em sign.
*- the finger you wear your Aggie Ring on is slightly deformed due to the
fact that you NEVER take your ring off.
*- your dad, his dad, and his dad all went to A&M and told you, "you can
go to school anywhere you want, but I'll only pay for you to go to Texas
*- (even when you're 6000 miles away) you are walking down Bond Street in
London after a hellicious day to hear another Aggie spot your class ring,
offer to buy you a pint and talk about how the best pizza rolls come from
Double Daves and the best drunk food nights were when Carpool took you
through Taco C before dropping you home.
*- you never lose a game, you just run out of time
*- when you say HOWDY instead of hi no matter where you are in the world.
*- you suddenly have tons of new friends at the end of the semester who
want to use your extra outbounds for free food!
*- you can be too drunk to walk from one bar to another, but you can still
walk back to Southside with complete confidence.
*- the clock tower has IIII instead of IV because it looks too much like
*- even the trains know "Hullaballoo, Caneck Caneck!" and they sound off
as they pass through Aggieland
*- a bunch of people wear pots to cut wood
*- you know Jorvorskie Lane could take Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer down at
the same time.
*- the sprinklers come on ten minutes after it stops raining.
*- you go back home and forget that nobody takes AGGIEbucks.
*- you talk to the nice old lady at Sbisa more than your mom.
*- you spend more time on Facebook than on studying
*- you spend 30 minutes in the morning trying to decide which A&M shirt to
wear, because you can't remember
*- which one you wore yesterday because they are all maroon!
*- someone sees that you just missed the bus you were sprinting after and
asks if you need a ride
*- the campus police pull you over and give you a ticket ON YOUR BIKE!
*- any time you knock, tap, rap, or bang on anything, you do it with the
exact same rhythm as everyone else on campus, and it means, of all things,
"hullabaloo caneck caneck."
*- you randomly mutter 12-7 when you pass someone in burnt orange.
*- the radio starts playing "Friends in Low Places" on the bus, and
everybody starts singing along
*- you whoop after the line "you may now kiss your bride" at a wedding.
*- you hear a quiet whoop during a prayer.
*- anything that happend a year ago or more is "Old Army"
*- being refered to as "Old Army" is a compliment
*- your professor officially holds class at The Chicken
*- 42 is an official Aggie sport
*- your Aggie parents teach you the Aggie War Hymn before they teach you
Jesus Loves Me
*- running around campus in cammo with a Rifle over your head for several
miles, is considered an Honor.
*- when the traffic conditions in your town do a complete 180 if school is
not in session.
*- the tubas are called basses because tuba starts with "t.u."
*- you feel totally comfortable wearing an A&M T shirt, flips flops,
hoodie, and charm on your necklace at the same time
*- you see someone wearing orange and immediately think "tree-huggin hippie"
*- the mascot has her own credit card.
*- not owning a pair of boots is a crime.
*- your animal science prof gets so into the lecture he doesn't realize
he's said "inbreeding can be fun" until all 350 of his students are
laughing out loud.
- the temperature in the air can go from 80 degrees to 30 degrees in under
24 hours
- near the end of the semester, the c-store needs to restock again 10
minutes after it has restocked for the week.
- bikes get their own room for the winter
- the president of your university "humps it" as a final fairwell to the
- the president of your university says "beat the hell outta terrorism!"
- the student body does the yell "beat the hell outta terrorism"
- *You don't sing a "fight song" you sing a War Hymn
*- A bat flying around during your animal science final is a common
*- at the beginning of the semester, your animal science prof has to tell
class that dipping will not be allowed during class
*- you have hundreds of people yelling at you to "pick it up" after you
have dropped somthing in Sbisa.
*- you see people during the final exam that you didnt even know were in
your class.
*- you wake up every night either to the sound of a train or 2,000 singing
*- you can spot someone with a brown sack or white to-go box and
immediately know they ate at Freebirds or Layne's.
*- your classmates share not only their class year, but the class years of
every family member who has EVER attended.
*- the dorms fight each other for pride
taken from the Facebook Group "You know you are from A&M when..."
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